
New maps highlight the “enormous scale” of the Welsh Metro project

Posted: 20 October 2021 | | No comments yet

The Welsh Metro project, which has been referred to as “one of the most ambitious and complex programmes” that Wales has undertaken, will support the creation of a modern, integrated and sustainable transport network.

New maps show the 'enormous scale' of the Welsh Metro project

Credit: Transport for Wales

Welsh Metro South Wales map

Credit: Transport for Wales

“Delivering the £1 billion Welsh Metro project will be one of the most ambitious and complex programmes that we’ve ever undertaken.” Those were the words of Lee Waters, the Welsh Deputy Minister for Climate Change, with a responsibility for transport, as he unveiled new maps showing the enormous scale of Welsh Metro project.

Speaking just before the Welsh government publishes its Net Zero plans in the run up to COP26 in November 2021, the Deputy Minister said how the project would deliver on plans set out in Llwybr Newydd, the Wales Transport Strategy, by creating a modern, integrated and sustainable transport network that supports modern lifestyles.

The Welsh Metro will make it an easier choice for people to use their cars less and public transport and active travel more, in order to significantly reduce the environmental impact and help Wales to reach its net zero carbon target by 2050.

The new maps, made available by Transport for Wales (TfW) for the first time on 20 October 2021, illustrate the ambitious short- and long-term plans that the programme will deliver in order to help people to make the right, sustainable choice. 

These include:

  • 172km of electrification to improve journey times and frequency
  • Up to 30 per cent more services to improve connectivity across Wales, such as new tram-trains offering fast turn-up-and-go services at 45 stations on Valleys Lines by 2024
  • New and improved rail and bus services and active travel routes to reduce rural isolation, provide a door-to-door commuting experience and open up job, business and leisure opportunities across North Wales
  • New integrated tickets and more flexible fare options delivered through new technology on all buses and more than 200 new ticket machines at stations
  • New and improved train stations across Wales to provide a viable public transport alternative to the congested road network
  • 100 per cent renewable energy powering overhead wires to reduce Wales’ carbon footprint.

As well as connecting communities, the project is already delivering economic benefits across Wales – promoting careers in engineering for children and women; providing job opportunities for veterans; and creating pathways to help offenders with their rehabilitation into stable and rewarding employment.

Deputy Minister Lee Waters said: “The Metro is not simply a transport project, it’s about changing the lives of people across Wales, and it is an excellent example of how investment in tackling climate change has far broader community benefits. Improving our public transport and active travel network routes is the right and responsible thing to do for the environment – making low carbon transport options more attractive, affordable and easier to use – enabling people to leave their car at home, particularly in the more densely populated parts of Wales, linking up with active travel routes to provide door-to-door journeys in an integrated, sustainable transport network.”

“Next month, we will be attending COP26 – the most important COP since Paris in 2015 – and we will take a clear message to Glasgow that Wales is a globally responsible nation – ambitious projects like this prove that and show how everyone here is willing to play a part to combat global warming,” he added.

The Welsh government has also announced an additional £2 million cash injection to expand existing plans for South East and South West Wales metros to include new bus and rail stations and services, as well more active travel routes, making public transport more attractive and accessible and connecting communities.

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