
Lime marks two million ride milestone in Camden, UK

Posted: 10 May 2023 | | No comments yet

As residents embrace sustainable cycling for daily commuting, Lime achieves over two million rides in Camden, contributing to reduced emissions and improved sustainability.

Lime marks two million ride milestone in Camden, UK

Credit: Lime

Lime has announced that it has achieved a significant milestone in the Borough of Camden after surpassing two million rides. The residents of Camden have embraced cycling as a part of their daily routines, and Lime’s presence has played a vital role in this shift.

Since its launch in 2018, Lime has witnessed over 300,000 riders in the borough, covering a distance of more than four million miles. The shared e-bike programme has gained popularity among residents, especially for functional journeys like commuting into the city. In addition, Camden’s ambitious low-traffic-neighbourhoods and new cycle lane initiatives have also contributed to the success of Lime’s scheme in the area.

This achievement aligns with the rising trend of cycling levels in London and has helped replace around 500,000 car journeys, leading to a reduction of approximately 3,500 tonnes of CO2 emissions in the region.

In order to meet the increasing demand for its services, Lime has announced a commitment to invest £23.5 million in the UK in 2023, increasing its operations nationwide. This investment will cover new hardware, vehicles, batteries, labour, warehouses and fixed costs.

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Furthermore, Lime plans to collaborate with local authorities, including Camden, to enhance the availability and density of shared e-bike parking infrastructure. This initiative aims to support functional usage, prevent mis-parking and avoid obstructions on pavements.

Manish Kharel, General Manager for Lime in London, said: “Lime offers emission free travel to thousands of Camden residents every week, and has become an integral part of daily routines and growing levels of cycling in our capital. In partnership with Camden we have been able to make significant progress towards shared net zero goals in London.”

Lime has introduced various membership options to benefit riders in Camden, such as Lime Access, which provides a 50% discount on all e-bike rides. Commuters and regular riders can also purchase time-limited passes through the Lime app, enabling multiple journeys spanning three days.

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