
Boosting passenger experience for commuters with DRT

Posted: 10 December 2020 | | No comments yet

Mobility for commuters preoccupies their time and money – making that process simpler is a major challenge not just for transport operators and authorities, but also for employers. Here, Padam Mobility explains how DRT can help be the solution to this challenge.

In Pau, Madrid or in Lyon, Padam’s DRT solutions have been able to adapt to local challenges and constraints to improve the mobility of working populations, reduce their dependence on private cars, and increase their autonomy in how and when they travel.

For the past two years, Padam has been actively supporting companies and public authorities to facilitate simpler, more comfortable travel for their working populations through the implementation of tailor-made demand-responsive transport (DRT) services, which have resulted in:

  • Up to 12,000 bookings per month
  • 97% pooling rate in Pau
  • Services being used on average five times a week per employee.

Take a look at the case study below to find out how these figures have been achieved, as well as:

  • The main reasons for implementing DRT solutions
  • The stages of their implementation
  • The first results that emerged.

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