
Fuel cell electric buses: an attractive value proposition for zero-emission buses in France

Posted: 17 August 2020 | | No comments yet

France has recognised the importance of sustainable transportation. With the knowledge that mobility is a key contributor to air pollution, there is immense pressure to reduce CO2 emissions. Evidence of this is the ban on diesel and petrol car sales from 2040 and the strategy for clean mobility put forward in the “Loi de Transition Energétique pour la Croissance Verte.” French cities are also leading initiatives to reduce local emissions, such as Paris’ ambition to ban diesel cars as early as 2023. Fuel cell buses will play a large part in this reduction

There is no doubt that the future of public transportation is going to be zero emission. Transit agencies and operators in France are being called to find ways to improve air quality in their communities while maintaining quality of service. The choice that faces cities and transit authorities is what technology to deploy. Transit operators can consider two zero-emission electric bus solutions: fuel cell electric buses (FCEBs) or battery electric buses (BEBs).

FCEBs are the only zero emission solution that can meet the performance demands of transit operators without compromise. With millions of kilometres in commercial services and more than fifteen years on the road in different environments, FCEBs are proven to meet operational requirements of transit agencies and bus operators.

France’s government, recognising the environmental, operational and economic contributions of hydrogen economy, has set out a hydrogen roadmap. Targets for the deployment of zero emission solutions for transportation include:

  • By 2023, 5,000 light utility vehicles, 200 heavy duty vehicles (bus, trucks, trains, boats) and 100 hydrogen refuelling stations
  • By 2028, up to 50,000 light utility vehicles, 2,000 heavy duty vehicles and 400 hydrogen refuelling stations.

FCEBs provide affordable zero-emission transportation with no compromise in vehicle performance. FCEBs are the only zero-emission technology to offer full vehicle capability (gradeability, highway speeds, and long range) in all operating environments.

FCEBs do a complete day’s work even on the most arduous routes and allow for a 1:1 replacement for conventional diesel or compressed natural gas (CNG) technologies. This means that FCEBs can operate on all urban bus routes without compromise during long shifts in winter or summer.

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