
Passenger Experience In-Depth Focus 2019

Posted: 6 September 2019 | | No comments yet

Here, we take a deep dive into some of the technology, infrastructure and services that operators and authorities are investing in to help make passenger experience better than ever, and how investing in the first instance acts as a signal to passengers that their experiences both on and off transit really matter.

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    Included in this In-Depth Focus:

    • Improving passenger experience: brilliant basics
      Passenger expectations are changing so that their experiences on transport more closely align with comforts they’d expect in their own home. Ian Wright, Head of Innovation and Partnerships at Transport Focus, explains how various technologies can be used as tools to help operators deliver transport’s ‘brilliant basics’, and build trust in services that encourages people to use them.
    • Passenger satisfaction and insight via innovation and investment
      Adam Rideout, Head of Customer Experience at National Express Bus, tells Intelligent Transport how the West Midlands bus operator is investing in people and technology to enhance the passenger experience and make travel as seamless as possible for both frequent and infrequent bus users.
    • Sydney Metro: a game changer for passengers
      A metro revolution is underway in Sydney, with the New South Wales capital home to the biggest urban rail infrastructure investment in Australian history. For Intelligent Transport, Jon Lamonte, CEO of Sydney Metro, explains how greater capacity and rail connectivity is providing more opportunities and better experiences to the city’s residents.

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