
MaaS Alliance joins Global New Mobility Coalition

Posted: 14 November 2019 |

The coalition brings together over 100 institutions to support a reduction in carbon emissions, increased transport efficiency and other goals through the combined use of SEAM technology.

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The MaaS Alliance, the  public-private partnership which aims to create the foundations for a common approach to Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) has joined The Global New Mobility Coalition (GNMC), a community comprised of shared, electric and autonomous mobility (SEAM) stakeholders, curated by the World Economic Forum and funded by ClimateWorks.

The GNMC was officially launched in September 2019 as part of the UN Sustainable Development Impact Summit in NYC. 

The coalition aims to:

  • Consolidate knowledge relevant for informing private and public sector of sustainable urban mobility enabled through SEAM such as more equitable mobility systems, better air quality, and lower carbon emissions
  • Reinforce and communicate the vision for sustainable urban mobility leveraging SEAM in an engaging manner
  • Co-design and test SEAM governance frameworks and supporting policies through multi-stakeholder projects
  • Communicate lessons through relevant global events and communication platforms, and scale best practices by engaging private and public decision-makers from new regions and supporting subsequent pilots.

The GNMC also has goals to reduce CO2 emissions by 95 per cent, improve transport efficiency by 70 per cent and reduce mobility costs by 40 per cent. GNMC includes members from North America, Europe and Asia, of which 40 per cent are non-profit, 35 per cent for profit and 25 per cent researchers.

The MaaS Alliance joined the GNMC as Knowledge and Action Partners, along with other organisations and alliances such as C40, POLIS, and ITF, to support and complement the work of the GNMC by sharing knowledge and to advise when mission, goals and modus operandi are aligned.