
Freebike with Sfey payment technology makes e-biking a breeze

Cities around the world are taking significant steps towards a more sustainable tomorrow with micro-mobility options. One of the projects aiming for a greener future is Freebike, a platform for bike and e-bike sharing. Offering a convenient, accessible, and environmentally friendly way for residents and visitors to explore their urban surroundings, the system uses the world’s first tap-and-ride electric bike relying on a payment processing gateway by Sfey.

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Stuck in traffic? Tired of pollution? There’s a better way to explore the city and cut back on emissions and noise pollution: Freebike’s e-bike sharing system powered by Sfey’s cutting-edge payment solutions.

Gone are the days of app downloads and registration struggles. Enabled by Sfey’s payment processing gateway, Freebike offers a convenient, accessible, and eco-friendly solution for getting around town. The tap-and-go system lets you unlock an e-bike with just a tap of your phone or card, making you ready for urban adventures within just a few seconds.

Download the full article to learn more about the environmental benefits of micro-mobility and how Freebike’s user-friendly system with Sfey’s tap-and-go technology makes e-biking a breeze.

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