
New partnership to make booking for accessible transport easier

Posted: 21 August 2017 | Intelligent Transport | 1 comment

Accomable is working with EuTravel to enable anyone with a mobility issue to book door-to-door transport across the EU via a single platform.

Accomable is working with EU-funded project EuTravel to shape the future of accessible travel and enable anyone with a mobility issue to book door-to-door transport across the EU via a single platform with ease.

New partnership to make booking for accessible transport easier

Credit: EuTravel

Working with major GDS providers and transport companies, EuTravel Project will tap into existing mainstream IT travel reservation systems and sources of travel data, to enable people to find and book complete door-to-door transport routes via multiple modes of transport, including air, rail, bus and ferry, to and from all countries within the EU, via a single platform.

“Our mission has always been to enable anyone to go anywhere”

“Our mission has always been to enable anyone to go anywhere, so we are delighted to be working with EuTravel Project to ensure disabled people worldwide can research and book accessible transport across the EU with ease,” said Accomable’s CEO and Co-founder, Srin Madipalli. “Our disabled customers are extremely aware of how difficult it is to plan accessible transport routes when travelling at home and abroad, as online information is often incorrect or out of date. Our role will be to consult EuTravel Project towards delivering a solution that contains full accessibility information you can trust.”

Managed by Inlecom (a management consultancy firm and leader in digital ecosystem platforms and technologies) EuTravel Project has brought onboard Accomable, the pioneering global platform for finding adapted hotels and vacation rentals for disabled and elderly people, to participate in the project pilot and identify the challenges faced by less mobile travellers, and to ensure accessible transport options are easy to find and book as part of the new system.

“Our technology will make it easy for citizens of the EU and international visitors to travel across the single market”

“Accessibility is at the heart of the EuTravel Project,” added Inlecom’s Project Support Director, Yash Chadha. “Our technology will make it easy for citizens of the EU and international visitors to travel across the single market, and to plan journeys which suit their individual needs. Key to this is ensuring the service is open to everyone, including disabled users and anyone with a mobility issue, which is why we’re thrilled to have Accomable onboard as consultants on accessibility.”

Accomable the ‘Airbnb for disabled people’ will use its expertise in adapted travel to advise on accessibility and engage with the userbase to provide insight on how EuTravel Project may fully cater for disabled and anyone with a mobility issue both in and outside of the EU.

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One response to “New partnership to make booking for accessible transport easier”

  1. Robert logan says:

    Hopefully this new partnership will work, at the moment travel anywhere is just a nightmare especially train travel in the U.K.

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