
New accelerator established to drive hydrogen innovation in Scotland

Posted: 30 July 2020 |

The new initiative aims to propel innovations in hydrogen technology and encourage knowledge-sharing to support transport applications and sustainable mobility.

New accelerator established to drive hydrogen innovation in Scotland

The funding will support hydrogen projects in the Tees Valley as the UK looks to become a leader in hydrogen technology

The Scottish Government has announced that it will invest £300,000 in a new hydrogen accelerator which will be located at the University of St Andrews. Drawing on the expertise of the University, and in partnership with institutions across Scotland, the accelerator aims to help maximise the economic opportunities from the shift to zero or ultra-low emission mobility solutions.

The accelerator will reportedly increase expert capacity to advise on transport focused hydrogen projects, improving coordination between ongoing key initiatives and conducting expert analysis to foster new partnerships between industry and Government.

This project is said to directly support the Scottish Government’s commitment to its net-zero target of 2045 and the ambition of phasing out the need for new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2032. By connecting the project to expertise at other Scottish universities, relevant centres and initiatives, the project also aims to assist with the development of a strategic workforce to support Scotland’s green recovery.

Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity, Michael Matheson, said: “I’m pleased that we can establish a new Hydrogen Accelerator for Scotland at the University of St Andrews. With their renowned specialism in hydrogen technologies and innovation – this is a perfect match at a time when there is really exciting work in the sector taking place across Scotland.

“We already boast several world-leading demonstrator projects. These include Aberdeen’s Hydrogen Bus projects and the wide-ranging Orkney projects drawing on marine renewable energy to provide hydrogen for power generation, heating buildings and powering vehicles. With abundant renewable energy resources and a strong engineering skills base, Scotland is in a strong position to develop a globally competitive hydrogen sector. 

“By establishing this hydrogen accelerator at the University of St Andrews, we’re ensuring that hydrogen technologies can be successfully implemented in an economically sustainable way to achieve Scotland’s decarbonisation and net-zero ambitions. I wish Professor John Irvine and his team at St Andrews every success in supporting our flourishing hydrogen sector.”

Professor John Irvine from the University of St Andrews commented: “It is excellent news that we can now launch the Hydrogen Accelerator for Scotland. We look forward to the accelerator team engaging with and mentoring hydrogen activities across the country so that we can best deliver a hydrogen enabled low-carbon economy.

“Hydrogen will be very important in our low-carbon future, and we have considerable expertise at St Andrews in these kind of technologies. The accelerator will be located at our new Eden Campus development where we will be supporting the commercialisation of new technologies in energy conversion and storage, including hydrogen. It’s a great opportunity for us to engage with Scottish companies who are breaking into these new markets.”