
Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) – Issue 2 2020

Posted: 27 May 2020 | | No comments yet

Intelligent Transport’s latest In-Depth Focus on Mobility-as-a-Service examines some of the various elements of the concept, from ticketing and new mobility services to the importance of private-public partnerships and looking beyond urban and into the potential of cross border systems.


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Included in this In-Depth Focus:

  • Defining the route to innovation through partnership – Tonya Anderson and Paul DesRocher from RTD Denver detail the steps the agency has taken to modernise the ways in which riders access services, including how a collaboration with Uber has given customers more ways than ever to plan and pay for trips
  • Achieving roaming, scalable MaaS – Jacob Bangsgaard, CEO at ERTICO and President of the MaaS Alliance, gives his take on the ever-evolving MaaS concept, and offers advice on how to develop and implement successful MaaS schemes
  • From cross-border ticketing to cross-border MaaS – Dominik Elsmann, Head of Department for Cross-border Public Transport at Aachener Verkehrsverbund (AVV) GmbH – the transport authority for the Aachen City region and the Düren and Heinsberg districts in Germany – gives an update on how AVV is progressing in developing an efficient cross-border ticketing system, and how this could lead to cross-border MaaS.

We are keen to get your feedback on our new digital version. Please send your feedback by emailing [email protected]

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