
Tramway driving simulators revolutionise training in Vienna

Driver training is of paramount importance to transport operators, but in an industry with very little downtime, how can they do this efficiently while ensuring that everyone gets the most out of the experience? Thomas Kritzer and Ralph Fromwald at Wiener Linien explain how technological advances are changing the way training is carried out.

Tramway driving simulators revolutionise training in Vienna

The training of Wiener Linien’s more than 1,500 tramway drivers is undergoing a technical upgrade: from summer 2019 future trainee drivers will be able to access real-life situational exercises in a safe, controlled and simulated setting.

To some, simulators are seen as a rather ‘simple’ tool for teaching and training, but they play a vital role in the way drivers are educated about their operational behaviour. This is just one part of continuous training improvements Wiener Linien has been implementing, which together with other efforts, are helping to improve knowledge, performance, quality and safety.

From the earliest days of Wiener Linien’s simulator development, the training department and tram operations divisions have worked together to build its content, with input from daily operation incorporated in the training programmes.

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