
Championing the case for automated metros

Posted: 11 May 2010 | Miryam Hernández, Junior Manager - Metro Activities, International Association for Public Transport (UITP) | No comments yet

Forty years after the implementation of the first pioneering systems, there are now over 500km of automated lines in operation, distributed among 57 lines in 43 cities and 13 airports. Although the U.S. championed the concept with the development of small-scale systems serving university communities, airports and parks, the use of UTO (Unattended Train Operation) for public transport service was first introduced in Japan (Osaka, Kobe) and France (Lille) in the 80s.

Forty years after the implementation of the first pioneering systems, there are now over 500km of automated lines in operation, distributed among 57 lines in 43 cities and 13 airports. Although the U.S. championed the concept with the development of small-scale systems serving university communities, airports and parks, the use of UTO (Unattended Train Operation) for public transport service was first introduced in Japan (Osaka, Kobe) and France (Lille) in the 80s.

Forty years after the implementation of the first pioneering systems, there are now over 500km of automated lines in operation, distributed among 57 lines in 43 cities and 13 airports. Although the U.S. championed the concept with the development of small-scale systems serving university communities, airports and parks, the use of UTO (Unattended Train Operation) for public transport service was first introduced in Japan (Osaka, Kobe) and France (Lille) in the 80s.

With the exception of Vancouver in North America, Asia and Western Europe have since remained the crucial developing grounds of UTO systems. A significant European development that is set to mark the future of the sector is the successful conversion of the existing lines of Nuremberg U2 and Paris Line 1.

In 2009, Dubai became the first UTO system in the Middle East, pioneering a wealth of urban rail developments in the region. Over the next few years, new lines and extensions will start operation in Tokyo, Milan, Rome, Dubai, Helsinki, Budapest and Korea among others.

Figure 1 (page 29) and Figure 2 (page 30) show a snapshot of the European UTO landscape, of lines in construction and lines in planning, drawing from the work of the Observatory of Automated Metros at the International Association for Public Transport (UITP).

The case for metro automation

The benefits of metro automation are clear. The implementation of UTO systems allow operators to optimise the running time of trains, increasing the average speed of the system, shortening headways up to 60 seconds, and reducing dwell time in stations (in optimal conditions) to 15 seconds.

Eliminating the human factor

By taking the human factor out of the driving equation, operators gain flexibility and can make better use of assets. UTO systems offer a more tailored service coverage, reducing overcapacity supply at off-peak hours and enabling operators to inject trains in response to sudden surges in demand, for example in the case of big events.

Impressive safety records

UTO systems also offer safer operations by reducing the human-risk factor; well designed UTO systems have proven to be more reliable than conventional metros and hold an impressive safety record. Platform and track incidents aside, there has been only one serious operational incident in Osaka, at the end of the 80s, when a train did not stop at terminus and hit a bumper stop, provoking injuries in a few dozen passengers. Experience has also proven that overall staff satisfaction increases since the repetitive and isolated job profile is replaced by more polyvalent functions in maintenance, station management and customer information and support.

Quality of service increase

Overall, passengers perceive an increased quality of service, thanks to the enhanced reliability of trains and shorter waiting times in platforms. The re-deployment of staff in stations also increases passenger’s level of subjective safety and security.

Financial pros and cons

However, the decision to go fully driverless rests ultimately in financial concerns. The perceived advantages need to translate in a sound business case to guarantee the feasibility and sustainability of the project.

For new lines, automation costs have a relatively low comparative weight within the overall budget. Cost increases are mainly connected to the topic of rolling stock, the signalling and control systems and platform and track protection systems.

In the case of rolling stock, the extra cost for automations is easily covered by operational efficiency and flexibility. An increase in average commercial speeds, reduced headways and the optimal distribution of reserve train sets along the lines translate in gains of 10% of the fleet.

The price hikes for fully UTO signalling and control systems can be as high as 30%. However, considering the overall cost for civil engineering, this represents, on average, a ‘marginal’ 3% of the budget.

Replacing the driver

The highest civil engineering cost increase arises from the need to replace the role of the driver in preventing platform and track incidents. In general, the increased cost in fixed installations can be offset by the gains in rolling stock, making automation budget-neutral in terms of investment costs.

Conversion/modernisation challenges

Line conversion poses a more complicated business case. It is necessary to factor in extra costs due to the technical difficulties connected to the modification of the existing signalling and control systems and the need to replace or retrofit existing rolling stock, as well as the increased cost and complexity of installing platform and track protection systems in older stations. To minimise its impact, conversion projects should be timed to the end of the life cycle of the existing equipments.

Operational cost factors

However, when factoring in operational costs, automated lines come clearly ahead of con­ventional lines; some studies indicate a halving in operational costs. Staff costs are greatly reduced thanks to the abolition of the drivers’ function, even in cases of line conversion, when staff are likely to be retrained and deployed to other functions. Acceleration and deceleration patterns can be adjusted to reduce energy consumption and maximise energy recovery, thus significantly reducing energy costs. While maintenance costs are marginally increased due to the introduction of platform and track pro­tection systems, the overall balance is positive thanks to the gains in personnel and energy costs.

Taking the route of metro automation

By 2020, 75% of all new lines will be designed and implemented for UTO. Automation offers many advantages but also presents many challenges that go beyond the technological. Automation projects require a holistic approach to the system, sound management and a complete rethinking of service philosophy, company organisation and processes and staff qualifications etc.

For over 30 years, UITP has regularly monitored, analysed and shaped developments in UTO systems, fostering innovations and the exchange and transfer of knowledge among its members. In 2007, these activities were given a permanent structure, with the creation of the Observatory of Automated Metros.

Consolidating the wealth of information and experience from the operators from the automated systems in Barcelona, Copenhagen, Dubai, Hong Kong, Lausanne, Lille, Lyon, Milan, Nuremberg, Paris, Rennes, Rome, Singapore and Vancouver, the Observatory constitutes a unique forum of expertise specifically commissioned by UITP with the objective of disseminating and sharing the most current and relevant knowledge about automated metro lines.



About the author

Miryam Hernández
For the last four years, Miryam Hernández has been supporting rail activities within the International Association for Public Transport (UITP). She is responsible for all metro related activities (Metropolitan Railways Committee and Division, five Technical Subcommittees, Observatory of Automated Metros) and Project Manager for UITP’s bi-annual Light Rail Conference.


  1. PSD – Platform Screen Doors
  2. OSD – Obstacle Detection System
  3. UTO line in operation offering public transport

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