
Active safety: using AI-powered video analytics in public transit

Supported by:

29 October 2019

Supported by:

29 October 2019

About this webinar

Traditional CCTV is already widely used in the bus sector, but only to offer reflective playback opportunities for operators – until recently, CCTV solutions have been unable to act as an accident prevention tool. Now, with AI, we’re able to assist drivers in real time, and assist fleet safety managers to regulate driver behaviour in real time, to greatly decrease risks that can lead to accidents. With more than 100,000 implementations in vehicles, the significant impact in reducing accidents has been noted both by official government and insurance institutes.

This webinar will answer following questions:

  • How can operators meet new European Commission regulation and policy on road safety?
  • How can we obtain the full picture of driver behaviour aside from traditional ECO data, and what’s behind this data?
  • How can operators better manage risk on the roads to protect their fleets, as well as passengers and pedestrians?
  • Why is traditional CCTV no longer enough for effective safety management?
  • What else other than a driver alert AI solution is needed in order to regulate unsafe driver behaviour?
  • What are the primary applications of machine vision and deep learning for road safety?

Key learning points

  1. Accepting the limitations of traditional CCTV in public transport
  2. How AI technology has been used in transport
  3. The challenge for existing AI solutions
  4. Real performance results from an AI-based solution – including a 48 per cent reduction in insurance claims
  5. How a closed-loop risk management system can help lower risks for fleets on the road
  6. How to deploy an all-in-one ADAS, DSM and BSIS system at a reasonable cost
  7. How China Pacific Insurance Company (CPIC) managed to reduce the road death rate by over 80 per cent after implementation in 1148 after 8 months


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    This content is provided to you for free thanks to the kind support of our sponsors: Streamax


    Keynote speakers

    Kevin Liu, V.P Sales and Marketing, Streamax Technology Co. Ltd

    Kevin Liu is the Vice President at Streamax Technology. Kevin is in charging of international business development, branding, team and channel building. With over 12 years’ experience in security and transportation, he has a deep understanding of global market demand in mobile CCTV across Europe, America and Asia. Working with the R&D team, he is leading Streamax’s transition from traditional CCTV experts into market leaders for the AI-powered video analytic era.

    Hallie Liao, Head of International Development Department, Shenzhen Bus Group

    Hallie Liao is Head of the International Development Department at Shenzhen Bus Group. Hallie is in charge of international business development, branding, procurement and advertisement. She is passionate about public policy and public transport’s role in creating a greener urban environment, particularly after Shenzhen Bus Group became the world’s largest and first fully-electric-powered public vehicle operator. Prior to joining Shenzhen Bus Group, Hallie had worked for the United Nations Development Programme, McKinsey, and other international organisations in cross-border development projects across the United States, China, Latin America and South East Asia. She holds a BA in political science and economics from Columbia University.

    Samuela Scelfo, Chief Executive Officer, SAIS Trasporti

    Samuela Scelfo is Chief Executive Officer of SAIS TRASPORTI. She is an innovative and dynamic company manager and has been a leader in the local public transport sector, as well as in the interregional links between Sicily and other regions, since the 1980s. Responsible for planning, executing and optimising transportation strategies, in recent years she has focused on technological innovation in order to guarantee efficiency for management control by the company. She is currently interested in transport projects that improve the mobility of people from the point of view of sustainability, road safety and energy efficiency.


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