
Technology-Enabled On-Demand / Flexible Transit Services: New Opportunities for Public Transport Authorities

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16 November 2016

Supported by:

16 November 2016

Webinar: Technology-Enabled On-Demand/Flexible Transit Services: New Opportunities for Public Transport Authorities


Technology developments make possible a new generation of on-demand / flexible public transport services, more cost-effective and better tailored to market circumstances than prior offerings. Such services targeted at the general public — for both first mile / last mile access and local circulation purposes — have been deployed in 22 service zones by the Denver transit agency in the largest implementation to date in the USA. The technology platform for managing these services, MobilityDR, is key to this outcome.

In this webinar, DemandTrans Solutions and its partners show how an appropriate technology platform in combination with innovative service concepts provides regional transit authorities with the ability to configure, control, and operate cost-effective DRT / flexible transit services.


Brian Masson, Multi Modal Transport Solutions
Brian is a Transport Consultant and Business Improvement Specialist at Multi Modal Transport Solutions Ltd. He has gained considerable experience working over 40 years in the transport sector. Brian provides advice on many aspects of multi modal transport systems and mobility management assisting Operators and Authorities throughout the world.


Roger Teal, President, DemandTrans Solutions, Inc.
Dr. Teal describes how technology has made possible a new generation of DRT services, and how the MobilityDR platform makes it feasible to schedule and control vehicles and drivers for many types of DRT / flexible transit services so that agencies can deploy targeted, cost-effective DRT services.

Niels Larsen, CTO, FlexDenmark
Mr. Larsen discusses how FlexDenmark has used its technology platform to revolutionise how DRT is provided in Denmark, and why technology platforms such as MobilityDR and its next generation version are the key to innovative, cost-effective DRT services.

Jeff Becker, Senior Director – Service Planning, Regional Transportation District – Denver
Mr. Becker describes how the Denver RTD planned and implemented its large portfolio of DRT / flextransit services and the essential role of the MobilityDR technology platform in enabling it to manage and operate many diverse forms of DRT / flexible transit.

    To watch this on-demand webinar in full, please complete the form below. By clicking submit you confirm that you accept our terms and conditions and privacy policy.









    This content is provided to you for free thanks to the kind support of our sponsor: DemandTrans

    9 responses to “Technology-Enabled On-Demand / Flexible Transit Services: New Opportunities for Public Transport Authorities”

    1. Transit system is not a random system, their aim is more important for the community itself, it is an economic way for rebuilt environment and decarbonise the society. As a collective project mass transit, it can help us to have cities overcoming dependence automobile. I agree with technological innovation but I can’t agree with this formula of “uberlanding” all networks and services. For that, there is the TAXI. You must think about “hidden costs” of externalities caused the inflation of urban sprawl. To associate this tecnological potentiality as a new opportunity for transport authorities “requests or goals” as an ambition to serve “better” the individual, it is ignoring what mass transit is as far. Thank you for your attention.

      • Sheila says:

        I love Carlos’s use of the word “uberlanding” and his mention of hidden costs of externalities. Like him I have great concern about centralisation of delivery where a substantial part of the fare leaves the local economy to some cloud where a multinational avoids paying taxes. Local taxis are generally small local businesses redistributing their profits to other businesses in their local communities. We should not be allowing this to be undermined.

        I work in a very rural environment where volumes are extremely low and distances can be extremely long. DRT does not work in these circumstances although there can be provision of services working on flexible routes maximising the number of passengers using the service and sharing the cost.

    2. Brian Masson says:

      Hi Carlos and Sheila. The purpose of our webinars is to bring best practice examples that have achieved significant results over a period of years and look at how we can assist communities, operators and authorities to develop similar solutions. There is no magic bullet, no single solution. The example from Denmark has produced significant improvement levels in service to users at significant reduction in costs. Having a single set of conditions using same technologies leads to consistency across the country. Maximising the use of existing Multi Modal resources is also important. We will hear from both Denver and Denmark on how they have achieved this through their contract agreements with bus, and taxis operators. In the UK we have a significant Community Transport Sector which can also play a part in the design of integrated networks. This will be covered in a future webinar planned for early next year. With regard to Carlos we both worked together on the EU Cost Buses with High Level of Service project. The issue of first and last miles of a journey has always been a problem. Having feeder services to BRT/BHLS services has huge potential if we can have integrated ticketing and real time information. I am pleased to see feedback before our webinar and I hope you will find the contributions interesting as these are mature sites that have gone through the challenges you have listed and found solutions that meet the needs of passengers in their areas. I would welcome your feedback after the webinar as it is important that we can all learn something from the event to further develop improved services to our communities across the world.

    3. Lauren R says:

      Will it be possible to watch a recording afterwards for those in a different timezone? Thanks!

      • Katie Sadler says:

        Hi Lauren,

        Simply register for the webinar above and you’ll be notified as soon as the on demand recording is available to watch online.

    4. Gennaro Ciccarelli says:

      Is it possible to get the slides? Thanks

      • Jonathan Marriott says:

        Hi Gennaro. Simply register to watch the webinar recording here and you’ll find the downloadable slide deck under ‘Event Resources’ in the left-hand sidebar.

    5. Matt says:


      unfortunately the slides are not accessible any more using a standard firefox browser. Only the first slide is shown. Even direct access over the chapters is not possible.


      • Jonathan Marriott says:

        Sorry to hear you’re experiencing issues watching this webinar. We’re not aware of any existing issues with the Firefox browser. Have you tried using an alternate browser such as Google Chrome?

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