
Meeting rising transport ticketing challenges: Why open standards are a prerequisite for future-proof system upgrades

Supported by:

16 June 2016

Supported by:

16 June 2016


In this webinar we discuss open standards in ticketing becoming a prerequisite for future-proof system upgrades and how easily they can be integrated into networks. Learn from a real-life example from an expert at Planeta Informatica – the leading supplier of secure access modules for public transport card readers and payment solutions in South America – who will explain how the organisation leverages the advantages of open standards in current transport ticketing projects plus also exploring a future-proof alternative to the currently used solutions.

This webinar comes at a time when the transport ticketing market is about to experience the undisputable advantages of open standards and how to leverage the interoperability, competitive and open membership benefits of open standards to meet current and future challenges, like higher security and successful multi-application implementations.


Katja Kienzl
Head of the Transport Ticketing segment of the Chip Card & Security division
Infineon Technologies

Katja KienzlKatja has been responsible for the worldwide strategy and marketing of Infineon’s transport ticketing related products since 2010. Katja holds a masters degree in telecommunication and electronic engineering.

Katja’s presentation shows the importance of open standards for transport ticketing and multi-application: rising environmental and climate mitigation pressures, coupled with growing demand for modern mobility choices especially in megacities, are forcing policy makers to rethink urban transport. The transport ticketing market is currently going through a migration period, moving away from proprietary, stand-alone and locked-in services towards cross-platform, multi-application, integrated schemes that leverage the interoperability, competitive and open membership benefits of open standards.

Artur Costa
Planeta Informatica

Artur CostaArtur is founder and owner of Planeta Informatica since 1991. As chief technology officer he counsels public transportation projects. He holds a university degree in Electronic Engineering and Math.

In his presentation, Artur shows how Planeta Informatica, the leading supplier of Secure Access Modules (SAM) for Public Transport Card Readers and payment solutions in South America, leverages the advantages of open standards in current transport ticketing projects. It presents a future proof alternative to the currently used ‘add-on’ Secure Access Module. Artur shows how a more efficient and secure SAM centric solution can ease the migration from existing solutions towards standardised and future-proof ticketing systems based on CIPURSETM in South America and beyond. With this SAM centric approach Planeta applies a new method to keep huge parts of the application specific subset of objects and methods within the SAM and to apply an highly agnostic access from the validator system to the SAM – precondition of a smooth migration from legacy systems to systems based on CIPURSETM.

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    This content is provided to you for free thanks to the kind support of our sponsor: Infineon

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    2 responses to “Meeting rising transport ticketing challenges: Why open standards are a prerequisite for future-proof system upgrades”

    1. Yigal Akry says:

      I am interested to hear the webinar.
      thank you

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