
‘True’ real-time: Passenger information to elevate the experience and restore trust in buses

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28 September 2021

Supported by:

28 September 2021

Transport providers today face huge challenges: reduced ridership, loss of public confidence, restricted budgets and the prospect of increasing disruption into the future.

To overcome these challenges, the public must be assured that bus travel is safe, reliable and convenient.

This will require responsive, dynamic networks that deliver services in line with actual demand and elevate the passenger experience through rich, accessible and reliable information.

Watch this on-demand webinar as it brought together industry experts to identify actual passenger requirements and considered how existing and emerging technologies may be harnessed to reimagine the passenger experience, delivering reliable, rich information that supports journey planning and ease of mobility, with active travel connections and air quality information that drives sustainable mobility choices.

The webinar presented a range of solutions to current and future challenges, which will deliver a revolution in passenger experience that delivers essential bus ridership recovery.

Key learning points

  • Identify the requirements and expectations of modern passengers
  • Consider the tools that will reimagine the delivery of accurate and reliable bus travel information
  • Understand how technology can help to deliver services aligned to passenger requirements, elevating the overall experience and thereby driving essential ridership recovery.

On-demand webinar


Ian Wright Transport Focus

Ian Wright – Head of Innovation and Partnerships – Transport Focus

Ian Wright is the Head of Innovation and Partnerships at Transport Focus. He has been leading much of the organisation’s work on the transport user experience of COVID-19. Prior to this, Ian was Head of Insight at Transport Focus, growing the organisation’s understanding of transport users.

As an insight specialist, Ian has spent his career dissecting customer experience across many sectors, be that transport, retail, financial services, energy or FMCG. This has been whilst working for client companies, research agencies, consultancies and his own company.

While it would be slightly misleading to claim a masterplan, there is a transport theme running through Ian’s CV – previous roles have also included a focus on air passengers, when at British Airways, and car drivers (Ford was the main client when at Goldfarb Consultants).

Warwick Goodall – Member of PA’s Management Group – PA Consulting

Warwick is passionate about using data to transform the passenger experience. He helps clients to understand the changing technology landscape and benefit from digital innovations to serve customers, operate efficiently, maintain their assets, deliver net zero and low carbon objectives and plan future transport investments in mobility services.

Warwick supported the Department for Transport on the Bus Open Data case for change, the forthcoming UK Transport Data Strategy and the policy redesign for the future of Traffic Regulation Orders. He has also supported Transport for London on open data, Highways England on digital data and technology strategy, bus/train operators and regional transport authorities.

Warwick is a thought leader, referenced in interviews with the Financial Times and London Evening Standard and was recognised as Top 10 Mobility-as-a-Service Influencer.

Gordon DicksonGordon Dickson – Head of Bus Strategy and Delivery – Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT)

Gordon Dickson is Head of Bus Strategy and Delivery at Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT), responsible for taking forward the Regional Bus Strategy and overseeing SPT’s Bus Operations.

Before joining SPT in 2009 Gordon was a Senior Economist with Halcrow Group ltd, a leading engineering consultancy. This followed a previous career with the Scottish Government as an advisor on Environmental and Rural issues. 

As Head of Bus Strategy and Delivery at SPT, Gordon’s role covers policy, funding, planning, delivery of supported bus services & school transport, and coordination of bus infrastructure projects (including SPT’s Regional RTPI system) as part of the Regional Bus Strategy delivery plan.

On behalf of SPT and to assist with the planning and delivery of COP26, Gordon agreed to setup, manage and Chair the COP26 Bus & Coach forum, following a request from the UK & Scottish Governments respectively.  The group, including all major Bus & Coach operators, industry representatives and other interested parties, has met regularly over the last two years, and throughout the Covid 19 pandemic, to support the successful planning of COP26 and to input into the event Transport Plan.

Rich Riley

Richard Riley – Development Manager – Trapeze Group.

Richard is a Senior Solution Architect with Trapeze Group with over twenty years of experience of passenger transport solutions.

Richard has worked on the design and delivery of a number of large scale projects for transport providers and operators. In his time with Trapeze he has worked on Passenger Information, data exchange standards, demand responsive transport and real-time passenger information, both managing and working with the technical design teams to produce high-quality software.

Richard has a drive to use advancing technology and cloud computing to increase the speed, availability and relevance of travel information, both for planning purposes and to the public. For Trapeze he provides high-level solution architecture, vision and design.

Paul Attenborough – Programme Director – Trapeze Group

Paul Attenborough is a Programme Director at Trapeze Group, with more than 15 years of experience working in transport technology provision in the UK and Republic of Ireland.

Paul specialises in the optimisation of transport solutions that make a real difference to the travelling public, through improvements in relation to passenger information, schools’ transport management and the continually developing market of Mobility-as-a-Service. In recent years, he has led the Trapeze business in delivering major bus service information projects with Transport for London and the National Transport Authority in Ireland.

Paul is a powerful force in the workplace, where he uses his energy and relentlessly positive attitude to encourage those around him to continue delivering technology that transforms mobility.


Is the webinar free?
Yes – there is no charge to watch the webinar, either live or on-demand.

When will the webinar take place?
The webinar will be taking place on 28 September 2021 at 13:00 BST.

Can I watch the webinar later?
The webinar will become available to watch on-demand shortly after the live broadcast takes place.

What are the benefits of attending live?
During the live webinar, you’ll be able to pose questions to the speakers, which will then be answered during the live Q&A session at the end of the webinar.

How long will the webinar be?
The live webinar will last for up to one hour.

Who will be moderating?
Josh Minchin, Junior Editor, Intelligent Transport.

What do I need to watch this webinar?
All you need is a computer with an internet connection. It is advised to use headphones where possible for your own comfort. 

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