
On-Demand: Revolutionising the passenger experience with demand responsive services by Moovit

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8 June 2021



Join Moovit for their on-demand webinar with our partner Ventura Bus Lines – Australia’s largest privately owned bus operator, and take a look at how the agency is keeping Australian public transport passengers connected and solving transit gaps with their flexible, personalised demand responsive service.

Ventura’s Marketing and Communications Coordinator, Sam Pierre-Humbert, discussed why the agency decided to transform underperforming bus routes into the digitised demand responsive service, FlexiRide, and will highlight the service’s results and lessons learned.

Juan Carbonell, Moovit’s Head of Solutions in APAC, spoke about why high-quality mobility data is crucial in planning an on-demand service is critical in optimising service delivery and the added value of providing customers with a full multimodal, real-time trip planner apps that includes demand responsive services.

DOT Victoria’s Director On-Road Policy  Andy Korr discussed the need for on-demand services to help solve transit pain like the first- and last-mile challenge, one that FlexiRide helps solve by transporting riders to the local train station. Andy will also discuss the shift towards creating a more user-centric public transport network and supporting overall service with new mobility offerings.

Hear directly from the team involved in this project to learn:

  • How demand responsive microtransit services can support cities’ and agencies’ ridership growth and provide a more data-driven, rider-centric mobility network to better serve customers’s evolving needs
  • Why agencies like Ventura are replacing Telebus and legacy DRT services with dynamic demand responsive services that leverage real-time data to automate dispatching and optimisation
  • What role demand responsive services can serve as cities and agencies build back post-COVID in order to efficiently meet the new demand levels


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    Juan Carbonell, Head of Solutions, Moovit.

    Juan Carbonell leads the APAC territory for Moovit. He believes that the future of transport is getting closer to your customer through a deeper understanding of their needs and behaviour. With advances in MaaS and mobile phone technology, we’re closer than ever to delivering the promise of safe and- convenient mobility for all. 

    Juan’s career spans 18 years through a range of disciplines, 12 of those years in the Transport industry. Over the last six years, he’s designed and delivered complex programs for government and private businesses across the region. Prior to joining Moovit, Juan was the Managing Director of Routematch and directed a program for WestConnex, Australia’s top road infrastructure project. He also delivered the TfNSW CTABS project, the largest Demand Response Transport service in the Southern Hemisphere with over 1,300 vehicles.

    Sam Pierre-Humbert, Marketing and Communications Coordinator, Ventura.

    Sam Pierre-Humbert at Ventura, the biggest privately-owned bus operator in Australia, will be joining us. Sam has a history in the graphic and web design industry and has previously spent 2 years working in a Melbourne based studio. Alongside handling print-based design he worked closely with the website development team, providing graphic elements and visual concepts to guide the creation of new websites.

    Since joining Ventura in 2017 Sam has overseen the development of the company’s new website, the redesign of the Ventura Tracker app, and played a key role in the development of the FlexiRide app.

    Andy Korr, Director On-Road Policy, DOT Victoria, Australia

    Andy Korr is the Director of On-Road Transport Policy at Victoria’s Department of Transportation (DoT) and is responsible for the DoT’s Zero Emission Bus project and DRT services like Ventura’s FlexiRide. Andy has worked at the DoT for nearly a decade and has been involved in network planning across tram, train, and bus systems.

    With extensive knowledge of transport and infrastructure, Andy’s work helps future-proof public transport across Victoria through sustainable, smart transport solutions, including on-demand transport and low-to-no emissions buses, which will help Victoria meet its’ zero net emissions target by 2030.   


    Is the webinar free?
    Yes – there is no charge to watch the webinar, either live or on-demand.

    When will the webinar take place?
    The live webinar took place live on 08 June at 16:00 BST however the on-demand version is now available to watch for 12 months.

    Can I watch the webinar later?
    The webinar is now available to watch on-demand and will be available for 12 months.

    How long will the on-demand webinar be?
    This webinar will last for up to one hour.

    Who will be moderating?
    Luke Antoniou, Editor, Intelligent Transport

    What do I need to watch this webinar?
    All you need is a computer with an internet connection. It is advised to use headphones wear possible for your own comfort. 


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