
Ehang obtains operational permit for autonomous air taxi test in Norway

Posted: 6 March 2020 |

This is said to be the first operational flight permit for long term testing flight of Ehang’s air taxi – EHang 216 – in Europe, which aims to lay foundation for the future of urban air mobility (UAM) operations in other EU countries. 

Ehang obtains operational flight permit for autonomous air taxi in Norway

EHang, the autonomous aerial vehicle (AAV) technology platform company, has announced that it has obtained an operational flight permit for its two-seater passenger-grade AAV, the EHang 216, from the Civil Aviation Authority of Norway (CAA Norway).

After the assessment of test flight plans and contingency plans, the CAA Norway issued an operational flight permit for EHang 216 to conduct flights together with a local customer for the purpose of testing and certification. According to CAA Norway, it believes the country ’s geographic conditions suit the testing of unmanned aircraft and air taxis well.

Covered with a long strip of land with abundance of sparsely populated areas and free airspace, the country has started to build a network of small airports since 1960’s, connecting most territories throughout the country.

Bente Heggedal, the Head of section for unmanned aviation, CAA Norway, commented: “EHang is an exciting and forward-looking project that shows the rapid development of UAM and AAV technology by today. The autonomous passenger aircrafts of the future can contribute to more efficient transport, particularly in urban areas, and the electric models are a great contribution to the green shift. We look forward to EHang demonstrating a well-proven and secure system, so that passenger AAVs can be a safe alternative for passenger transport.”

“In the new wave of the development of the oil industry in Norway, EHang expects to empower the O&G industry with our AAV technologies to reduce costs and increase efficiencies, and promote the use of green energy. In the past two years, we have established strategic partnerships with valuable European partners such as Vodafone, FACC and the ProSiebenSat.1 Group. We expect to work with more strategic partners and help them with our safe, autonomous, and eco-friendly air mobility solutions”, said Hu Huazhi, Founder, Chairman and CEO of EHang.