
New Zealand to become carbon neutral by 2050 with the ‘Zero Carbon Bill’

Posted: 8 May 2019 | | No comments yet

Following recent climate change protests, the New Zealand Government is creating change to limit the impact we have upon the environment with their Zero Carbon Bill.

New Zealand to become carbon neutral by 2050 with the 'Zero Carbon Bill'

The Government of New Zealand has delivered landmark action on climate change – the biggest challenge facing the international community and New Zealand.

“To address the long-term challenge of climate change, we have introduced the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill to Parliament,” Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said.

“We’ve built a practical consensus across Government that creates a plan for the next 30 years, which provides the certainty industries need to get in front of this challenge.

“In March 2019, tens of thousands of New Zealand school students went on strike to protest the lack of decisive action on climate change. We hear them. The Zero Carbon Bill outlines our plan to safeguard the future that those school students will inherit,” Minister for Climate Change James Shaw said.

Shaw continued: “The critical thing is to do everything we can over the next 30 years to limit global warming to no more than 1.5°C and the Zero Carbon Bill makes that a legally binding objective. CO2is the most important thing we need to tackle – that’s why we’ve taken a net zero carbon approach.

“Agriculture is incredibly important to New Zealand, but it also needs to be part of the solution. That is why we have listened to the science and also heard the industry and created a specific target for biogenic methane. The split gases approach we’ve agreed on is consistent with that commitment.

“The Bill sets a target for 10 per cent reduction in biological methane emissions by 2030, and aims for a provisional reduction ranging from 24 per cent to 47 per cent by 2050. That provisional range will be subject to review by the independent Climate Change Commission in 2024, to take account of changes in scientific knowledge and other developments.

“The independent Climate Change Commission, established by the Bill, will support our emissions reduction targets through advice, guidance, and regular five-yearly “emissions budgets”. The Bill also creates a legal obligation on the Government to plan for how it will support New Zealand towns and cities, business, farmers and Iwi to adapt to the increasingly severe storms, floods, fires and droughts we are experiencing as a result of climate change.

“New Zealanders have made it clear they want leadership and consensus on climate change legislation. We’re delighted that the three Government partners have reached an agreement over such a significant piece of legislation after lengthy consultation. I also want to acknowledge National Party leader, Simon Bridges, and National’s Climate Change spokesperson, for conducting negotiations in good faith and setting politics to one side while we’ve worked through the Bill.

“The fact that, across Parliament, all parties have engaged constructively in this process signals mutual interest in creating enduring climate change legislation that will stand the test of time and deliver long-lasting commitment to action on climate change for future generations. But the work’s not finished. I urge people to engage with the Zero Carbon Bill as it passes through Parliament. Have your say in the select committee process.

“All of us have a part to play our part in helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limiting global temperature increases. That includes New Zealanders making their contribution to see the Zero Carbon Bill become law by the end of this year.”

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