
All-in-one mobility app Jelbi launches in Berlin for pilot phase

Posted: 11 June 2019 | | No comments yet

This is the first time that a European city the size of Berlin deeply integrates an entire mobility network, spanning across public and private operators.


Trafi and Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) have officially launched the pilot version of their mobility aggregation app Jelbi, four months after initially announcing it.

Jelbi is the first mobility app to connect all different types of transport in Berlin: public transport, scooters, bikes and car-sharing. The app makes it easy to plan and purchase all trips in the same place, eradicating app-jumping and integrating mobility modes, making transport more accessible.

The Jelbi pilot offers people the opportunity to use the entire public transit system as well as Nextbike (bike-sharing), Emmy (e-scooter sharing), and Miles (car-sharing). Further integration is on the horizon in the form of BerlKönig (ride-sharing shuttles), a joint effort from BVG and ViaVan, after which Taxi Berlin should be fully integrated, along with e-kick scooters from Tier. Other mobility modes will be added gradually with around 25 transport providers already expressing their interest in joining Jelbi.

“We invite everyone who wants to experience the future of mobility to join us when we open the pilot version of Jelbi for everyone to use today. As the mobility landscape is changing faster than ever before, we realise that the app will never be completely ready and fully developed – it is and will be an adaptable service for the citizens of Berlin. As we are working on the integration of further partners, we are looking forward to get[ting] feedback from our users. Only then can Jelbi become the app that moves us all over Berlin,” said Dr. Henrik Haenecke, CFO and CDO at BVG.

“Jelbi is the largest partnership between a public company like BVG, and a private partner like Trafi, that we have seen across the globe. We are incredibly proud to launch Jelbi in a record time, bringing innovative technology to the streets of Berlin and to the hands of every Berliner. Our collaboration is showing how the future of mobility can become a reality in a matter of months, with a strong local network partner and a technology speedboat to pave the way. Kicking off the pilot with a few absolutely integral transport providers, we are so excited for everyone to start using Jelbi,” says Christof Schminke, Managing Director Commercial Hub Berlin at Trafi.

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