
Transport for NSW chooses five companies to develop MaaS solutions

Posted: 27 November 2018 | | 1 comment

Enabling customers to plan, book and pay for their journeys in one place, across all types of transport, is the focus of Transport for NSW’s new trials.


A number of companies in the technology sector have been chosen by Transport for New South Wales (NSW) to progress innovations in the emerging area of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS).

“Through our MaaS innovation challenge we wanted to bring the transport and technology industry together to look at ways customers can plan, book and pay for all their transport needs in real time, in one place; combining public transport, ride-share or even bike-share,” a Transport for NSW spokesperson said.

“MaaS offers customers mobility solutions based on their travel needs and we will now undertake pilots, through 2019, to help shape the future of Mobility-as-a-Service solutions in NSW.”

The five finalists of Transport for NSW’s MaaS Innovation Challenge, which is progressing pitches to the test-and-learn phase, are Uber, Lynxx, MaaS Global, Swiftfare Fleet and Skedgo.

“We are committed to creating a dynamic, growing MaaS marketplace with small and large players working together to give customers improved, personalised travel options alongside main transport routes. These finalists will help us make that concept a reality,” the spokesperson said.

“The start-up community has embraced the challenges we set, we look forward to seeing the results of these five trials and we will continue to keep the door open for more innovative opportunities in this space.”

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One response to “Transport for NSW chooses five companies to develop MaaS solutions”

  1. Wendy Banfield says:

    When I see the word ‘mobility’ I always hope this will include mobility for people in wheelchairs. What work has been included in this project to make it accessible for all?

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