
Two- and four-wheeler mobility solutions to be deployed across Bengaluru

Posted: 27 July 2018 | | No comments yet

The Toyota Mobility Foundation has become involved in a project deploying new mobility solutions to alleviate congestion across Bengaluru.


One of the Metro stations in Bengaluru

The Toyota Mobility Foundation (TMF) and the World Resources Institute (WRI) have initiated a project to deploy two-and four-wheeler rental and ride-sharing solutions to alleviate congestion and enhance first-and last-mile connectivity at six metro stations in Bengaluru, India.

The six metro stations will be characterised under typologies based on the land-use and development around the station area. A variety of products will then be made available to better understand what the citizens of the city want. These will include electric scooters with keyless entry, electric cycles and electrified car and micro transit options for ride-sharing.

After one year, findings from the six metro station use cases will be shared with the government and interested stakeholders for evaluation.

This project is an extension of the Station Access and Mobility Program (STAMP) initiated by TMF and WRI from December 2016 through 2017, to facilitate high-quality first-and last-mile connectivity solutions, through a platform that identifies innovative technologies and mobility business models.

TMF, along with WRI, have also extended STAMP across Indian cities through a three year, multi-city initiative, with the next identified city being Hyderabad, in which innovative last-mile solutions are being recognised. Through these solutions an integrated and seamless mobility experience for the customers is expected, building upon the mass rapid transit initiatives of the Indian government.

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