
University of Nottingham and TSC collaborate to research and develop smart transportation

Posted: 27 July 2018 | | No comments yet

Their ‘Deep Academic Alliance’ will bring together academia, researchers and key industry players to provide evidence and policy advice in planning and regulating new transport systems.


The Transport Systems Catapult (TSC) and the University of Nottingham have signed a formal agreement to support government plans to make the UK a world-leader in driverless and interconnected vehicles and intelligent transport infrastructures. 

The ‘Deep Academic Alliance’ (DAA) – a partnership between the TSC and a university which aligns transport-related research and educational roadmaps with industry strategies – marks the start of a three-year collaboration to deliver innovation, skills and technology on smart transportation.

Professor Dame Jessica Corner, the University’s Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange, said: “This alliance will place Nottingham and the TSC at the forefront of smart transport and mobility in a city context. It has already enabled us to not only create but build joint capabilities and resources that address challenges in this space. Moving forwards this will further support the delivery of UK economic growth, impact through commercialised research and exploit international market opportunities.” 

There is growing demand and increasing opportunity in the global market for ‘intelligent mobility’; a market estimated to be worth £900 billion per year by 2025. However, the future of mobility is still a key challenge in the UK government’s Industrial Strategy, as well as the dilemma of how to make travel safer, better connected and more efficient. This DAA is expected to help develop potential solutions for the mobility sector.

Transport Systems Catapult CEO, Paul Campion, said: “Transport is changing: operator focused, single mode, fossil fuel dependent and disconnected travel will be replaced with user centric travel based on system wide integration and data driven services. High profile developments like automated cars are just the tip of the iceberg and the market opportunity for the UK is huge.

“The University of Nottingham is a world leader in the global race towards creating a smarter, greener, sustainable and more efficient transport system. Our DAA will help leverage this to place the UK ahead of the competition.”

The new Nottingham Alliance supports the TSC’s five-year academic engagement strategy to ensure transport innovation has greater budgetary focus within local and national government. 

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