
Development of six new cycle routes in London has been approved

Posted: 30 January 2018 | | No comments yet

Cycle routes are being implemented and developed across London to encourage a healthier lifestyle, improve the air quality of the city and reduce congestion on the roads…

Development of six new cycle routes in London has been approved

Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has announced six new cycle routes, with design and development work set to begin immediately as part of his investment in improving cycle opportunities throughout the city.

“High-quality cycling infrastructure cannot simply be an option available to a minority of Londoners and our new Strategic Cycling Analysis shows that there is huge potential for getting more people to cycle all across the city,” commented Will Norman, London’s Walking and Cycling Commissioner.

TfL’s Strategic Cycling Analysis identified the top 25 connections where new cycling infrastructure is required to enable more people to cycle. Further work between TfL and the boroughs identified six routes as the initial courses to take forward to the design stage.

“Working closely with the boroughs, we’re providing new routes in both inner and outer London, including in areas that haven’t previously seen serious investment in cycling infrastructure,” said Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London. “Encouraging more Londoners to cycle as part of their everyday routine is vital – providing huge benefits to people’s health, cutting congestion and air pollution for every Londoner, and improving quality of life in local neighbourhoods.” 

The six new routes, across nine London boroughs, have some of the highest potential for cycling but currently lack safe infrastructure. Firstly Lea Bridge to Dalston will have a 3km route built to link the City and Waltham Forest. An 8km route between Ilford and Barking Riverside will be put in place to link the two outer London town centres alongside 10,800 new homes and a new London Overground connection.

Hackney to the Isle of Dogs will also have an 8km route implemented as well as Rotherhithe to Peckham which will see a 4km route connecting the towns to destinations such as Canada Water and other cycling routes. Tottenham Hale to Camden will be given an 8km route that will cover seven junctions identified as among the 73 with the worst safety records, and Wembley to Willesden Junction will receive the first major cycle route in north-west London.

The Mayor has also committed to providing a new river crossing between Rotherhithe and Canary Wharf for pedestrians and cyclists, which ultimately could link the proposed cycle routes between Hackney and Peckham to create a continuous 12km cycle route. 

This project will help Londoners improve their health, tackle congestion and reduce air pollution. To fight the problem of increasing air pollution, the Mayor has also partnered with King’s College London to improve the way the public are informed about incidents of poor air quality in the capital, particularly those who are most vulnerable.

King’s College London will now be the duty forecaster, continuously monitoring air pollution in London using the existing air quality monitoring network and cutting-edge modelling tools, delivering alerts as required. They will also directly notify a wider group of stakeholders so that the alerts are disseminated more widely and targeted at Londoners who are most vulnerable to the impacts of poor air, including those at schools, potentially care homes and GP surgeries in the near future.

Khan said: “I can’t tackle London’s killer air on my own and it is vital that the Government steps up to the plate and matches my ambition. As an urgent first step they must stop blocking London from accessing the new National Clean Air Fund, which Londoners contribute to through their taxes and which could help deliver vital support for them.”

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