
Stagecoach Manchester begins Women in Transport initiative

Posted: 8 January 2018 | | No comments yet

An open day organised by Stagecoach Manchester is to take place in the attempt to encourage more women to seek employment within transportation…

Stagecoach Manchester begins Women in Transport initiative

Stagecoach Manchester is inviting women to experience driving a bus as part of an initiative to encourage more women to look for employment within the transport industry.

The open day, which will give women the chance to sample driving a bus within a controlled environment, is scheduled for 20 January 2018 at the company’s depot in Ashton-under-Lyne. Men interested in becoming a bus driver are also welcome to attend.

The drive to encourage more women into the bus industry is owed to female bus drivers making up only just over 6 per cent at Stagecoach Manchester. This means over 210 women out of 2300 members of staff from the local community enjoy employment at the leading local bus operator with their roles ranging from bus drivers to inspectors, engineering to operations and the current Managing Director’s position, which is held by Elisabeth Tasker.   

Jo Morgan, Bus Driver at Stagecoach Manchester, said: “I’ve been at Stagecoach Manchester for over seven years now and loved every minute. The camaraderie amongst the staff is great and it’s always an enjoyable experience coming to work.

“I first looked into a career as a bus driver because I love meeting and speaking to people. I’d really recommend anyone who is interested to come down to the open day at Ashton.”

Speaking about the Women in Transport initiative, Elisabeth Tasker, Managing Director of Stagecoach Manchester said: “We’ve recognised that women do not make up a high enough percentage of our workforce and it’s our job to raise awareness of the fact that there are no barriers preventing women from working within the bus industry.

“There’s a range of roles which can cater for specific skills within Stagecoach Manchester and there are always ways to sample different areas of employment within the company.”

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