
Survey reveals young people will prefer autonomous vehicles over public transport

Posted: 3 April 2017 | Intelligent Transport | No comments yet

A recent survey has found that CAVs will transform the lives young people who are currently restricted by costly public transport.

A recent survey has found that connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) will transform the lives of more than seven out of 10 young people, finding that this new technology will offer unprecedented levels of freedom to young people whose lives are currently restricted by costly or infrequent public transport.

young people

The survey, named Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: Revolutionising Mobility in Society, and published by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT), canvassed the views of more than 3,600 consumers and 71% of survey respondents aged between 17 and 24 said this new technology would improve their quality of life.

The aim of the report was to examine how the vehicles of tomorrow will revolutionise mobility for different sectors of society, particularly young, older and disabled people, all of whom could benefit from this transport revolution. 

“The challenge now is to allow this technology to thrive…”

“The benefits of connected and autonomous vehicles are life-changing, offering more people greater independence, freedom to socialise, work and earn more, and access services more easily,” said Mike Hawes, Chief Executive of SMMT. “The challenge now is to meet this excitement by creating policy to allow this technology to thrive, given how it will deliver these wider societal advantages.”


More than a quarter (29%) of those surveyed said the high cost of car ownership as well as the high cost and infrequency of public transport restricted their freedom. The potential for saving money, therefore, was highlighted as a key benefit of connected and autonomous vehicles.

The freedom to travel spontaneously and socialise with friends and family were also seen as life-changing benefits, with 88% of people who believe CAVs will improve their social life.

To read the report in full, click here.

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