
Time for the Midlands to tap-and-GO

Posted: 19 January 2021 | | No comments yet

Simon Statham, Head of Technical Programmes at Midlands Connect, speaks to Intelligent Transport’s Luke Antoniou about the proposal for a capped tap-and-go payment system across the Midlands.


How did the proposal for the tap and cap system across the Midlands come about, and why is now the ideal time to start looking at a system like this?

The truth is that we really need it and the reason that now is the right time is basically because the system is ready – we now just need the funding to deliver it. Its implementation now, and over the next few years, would be invaluable as we try to encourage more people back to public transport.

We’re not claiming it would instantly bring everybody back but it would go a long way to removing the complexity of travelling throughout the region, particularly on buses in big cities where there are lots of different operators. Passengers want the confidence that they’re going to be charged the best fare at the end of the day, regardless of whose services they’ve used and how far they’ve travelled. In a couple of years’ time, I think we’ll be crying out for these kinds of systems, which really encourage people to be part of the solution.

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