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Philippe Vappereau



How to avoid denial of service and truly deliver MaaS for all

For the third instalment in an online-exclusive series published in…

5 September 2023 | By

For the third instalment in an online-exclusive series published in partnership with Calypso Networks Association (CNA), Philippe Vappereau, General Manager at CNA, explores how ticketing options for Mobility-as-a-Service need to integrate fully with existing public transport offers or they risk derailing growth by excluding passengers.


Three questions all networks need to answer when expanding their ticketing offer

In the fourth and final instalment of the online-exclusive series…

27 June 2023 | By

In the fourth and final instalment of the online-exclusive series published in partnership with Calypso Networks Association (CNA), Philippe Vappereau, General Manager at CNA, asks if networks’ ticketing offer truly meets both their own needs and the needs of the passengers that they serve.


In-Depth Focus: Mobility-as-a-Service

Intelligent Transport Issue 2 2023’s Mobility-as-a-Service In-Depth Focus features articles…

31 May 2023 | By

Intelligent Transport Issue 2 2023’s Mobility-as-a-Service In-Depth Focus features articles from Solent Transport and Calypso Networks Association discussing the importance of managing customer expectations and ensuring success through effective MaaS marketing and how ticketing options for Mobility-as-a-Service need to integrate fully with existing public transport offers or they risk derailing…


Intelligent Transport Issue 2 2023

In Issue 2 2023 of Intelligent Transport, we feature exclusive…

30 May 2023 | By

In Issue 2 2023 of Intelligent Transport, we feature exclusive content from leading industry experts and thought leaders discussing: forming prosperous communities through improved transport equity; revolutionising transport and empowering operators with smart ticketing; marketing MaaS to improve awareness and increase adoption; and plenty more.


Addressing the environmental impact of ticketing

For the second instalment in an online-exclusive series published in…

6 April 2023 | By

For the second instalment in an online-exclusive series published in partnership with Calypso Networks Association (CNA), Philippe Vappereau, General Manager at CNA, discusses the role that ticketing can play in addressing key environmental concerns and promoting sustainable practices in the transport industry, as well as why it is crucial for…


Avoiding oversimplification: The art of ticketing

For the first instalment in a new online-exclusive series published…

9 March 2023 | By

For the first instalment in a new online-exclusive series published in partnership with Calypso Networks Association (CNA), Philippe Vappereau, General Manager at CNA, considers why it is important for public transport operators and authorities to avoid oversimplifying ticketing in order to create a seamless transport experience that is inclusive of…


The field of ticketing: from open standard to open source

Philippe Vappereau, from RATP's General Director for Services, Marketing and…

27 February 2019 | By ,

Philippe Vappereau, from RATP's General Director for Services, Marketing and Customer Experience and President of Calypso Networks Association, and Joël Eppe, SNCF's Ticketing Director, explain why these two entities actively support the development of a new project in the field of ticketing.


Ticketing supplement 2013

ITSO-compliant ticketing takes another step forwardNew vehicles and ticketing technology…

17 December 2013 | By

ITSO-compliant ticketing takes another step forwardNew vehicles and ticketing technology enhance bus transport in CoventryGiving passengers what they wantThe CNA – proud to be the frontrunning initiator