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CIPURSE Open Standard trial launched on bus lines in Medellín Colombia

14 January 2016 | By Katie Sadler, Digital Content Producer, Intelligent Transport

OSPT Alliance has announced a trial to replace cash-based payments with an automated fare collection (AFC) solution based on the CIPURSE open standard across bus lines in the Colombian city of Medellín. The project, which is being led by OSPT Alliance Associate Member, Stratos Group, involves eight of Medellín’s largest…


Moving to open standards for future-proof automated fare collection systems

17 February 2012 | By Laurent Cremer, Executive Director, OSPT Alliance

Mass transit system operators are witnessing a paradigm shift in automated fare collection (AFC) technology. These changes include outsourcing of AFC programme operations and real-time acceptance of third party-issued cards – changes that are likely to reshape the way that AFC is viewed by the industry for decades. As a…