
Top trends series: connecting our society and reducing impacts on the environment

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3 April 2019

Supported by:

3 April 2019


Transport currently accounts for almost a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Given the scale of this impact, smart mobility solutions will play a key role in improving the environmental credentials of transport by helping transport users make smarter decisions, thereby reducing the sector’s carbon footprint.

Intelligent Transport Systems and Services (ITS) can act as building blocks for cleaner mobility by increasing the efficiency of transport, reducing emissions, tackling congestion and accidents, making it easier for people to make greener travel choices and making freight and logistics more efficient.

In this webinar the organisers, hosts and partners of the 13th ITS European Congress spoke about the challenges of transforming the transport sector to one that is sustainable, clean and based on smart technologies and services.


Society in transition – Many ITS applications have already been deployed and are delivering benefits, including infrastructure-based systems such as traffic monitoring and control, and roadside driver information systems. 

Holistic approach – Electric vehicles can contribute to the solution, as part of a balanced transport strategy that includes more efficient, attractive and affordable public transport that is easier to use. Encouraging a switch from internal combustion engines to EVs is essential to reducing pollution. 

New system, new competencies – Given the environmental and social benefits, demand for e-mobility solutions is understandably high. Transdev and VDL Groep form part of an elite group of innovators at the forefront of innovation in smart mobility and will discussing their projects in this webinar.



Andrew Winder, Manager for eMobility & Clean mobility –  ERTICO ITS Europe

Andrew is a UK national and holds a Bachelor of Science in Transport Management from Aston University, Birmingham. He has been with ERTICO since 2013 and is responsible for projects and development in the area of clean transport, including CO2 reduction and electro-mobility. His experience also includes ITS policy and strategy, Trans-European Networks, traffic management and traveller information services, public transport, evaluation of proposals, projects and deployments, and project communication.
Before joining ERTICO, Andrew worked as project manager at Egis in France, where he participated in many EU projects (including several ERTICO Partnership projects) as well as national projects and business development across Europe and the Middle East. He has also worked in the UK at Halcrow (now CH2M) and GMPTE (now Transport for Greater Manchester).

Nico Anten, Executive Chairman – Connekt

As a child I dreamed of becoming a train driver, or even an aircraft pilot. I also felt deeply connected to nature and its preservation. Looking back, you could say that linking mobility and logistics to sustainability has been the leitmotif throughout my life.

Later on, when I became a husband and father of two daughters another theme evolved in my life – a social concern, that all groups within our society should feel valued and important. And so my passions evolved into a life purpose, to realize smart, sustainable and socially inclusive mobility. Not an easy task, considering the extremely fragmented and commercialized mobility world where the stakes are high.

However, I believe it is possible. By uniting people and organizations through a covenant of pure trust and collaboration. A coalition of shared intention. With the freedom to explore and the courage to experiment without the certainty of success. Open minded to envisage the unimaginable and create the unthinkable. A collective power of minds and hearts, able to improve human wellbeing and welfare.

Alex De Jong, Business Manager Public Transport – VDL Bus and Coach

Alex has been working in the public transport business for the past 25 years and has held various positions at VDL Bus & Coach, VDL Bus Chassis and Voith, and is currently responsible for their International Public Transport team and product range at VDL.  

He is a member of the Management Team at VDL Bus & Coach HQ, and a member of the E-Mobility Management Team. He is also a member of the VEI Committee (Vehicle and Equipment Industry) and a member of the Steering board of ZeEUS. 

Alex specialises in:

  • transition programmes when it comes to changing from a diesel bus fleet to a Zero Emission bus operation (connected fleet/system),
  • Turnkey E-Mobility projects for Public Transport; consultation, implementation, operation and repair/maintenance of bus fleet and charging equipment
  • Total Cost of Operation (TCO) based approach for Public Transport bus operations

George de Boer, Director of Marketing and Global Evangelist – TomTom

Since 2019, George de Boer has overseen the marketing of TomTom’s offering towards the automotive industry. As one of Europe’s leading automotive experts, George is committed to TomTom’s vision of shaping tomorrow’s mobility. Since joining TomTom in 2006, George has been developing and marketing accurate real-time and historical traffic solutions and maps.

In 2013, he set up TomTom Telematics’ partner eco-system, encouraging joint commercial activities and open innovation. From 2016, he oversaw the business development of TomTom Telematics’ Connected Car solutions, bringing data from different vehicle sources together and enabling associated industries to build Mobility as a Service solutions. Prior to TomTom, George worked at CGI managing security awareness and IT infrastructure. He holds a degree in Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering from The Hague University.

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