
Spheros delivers 150 Cityspheres to Solaris

Posted: 17 January 2013 | Nowak & Schweickhardt Marketingkommunikation GmbH | No comments yet

Spheros has received an order from Solaris to supply the complete air conditioning systems for 50 of its Urbino 18 city buses…

Solaris articulated bus with Spheros Citysphere units for Rheinbahn Düsseldorf

Bus air conditioning specialist Spheros has received an order from Polish bus manufacturer Solaris to supply the complete air conditioning systems for 50 of its Urbino 18 city buses. A total of 150 Citysphere units, 50 Thermo 300 heaters and 50 Aquavent 6000SC water pumps will be installed. The buses are to be delivered to Rheinbahn AG, Düsseldorf/Germany.

Solaris articulated bus with Spheros Citysphere units for Rheinbahn Düsseldorf

Solaris articulated bus with Spheros Citysphere units for Rheinbahn Düsseldorf

A distinguishing feature of the 18 metre-long Solaris articulated buses is their eco-friendly equipment. Not only do the engines conform to the latest exhaust emission standards; the air conditioning is also particularly clean. The vehicles will be equipped with three of Spheros’ independently functioning Citysphere units. The core piece of this rooftop unit is the hermetically sealed compressor. Together with the absence of hose lines in the unit, the latter contributes to the best possible leak-tightness of the system as a whole and a reduction of the environmental impact. Furthermore, in contrast to other air conditioners no perceptible increase in fuel consumption can be determined with the Citysphere.

Comfortable interior climate

In order to provide pleasant air for the passengers and driver, the city bus is not cooled by temperature reduction, but by a combination of cooling and air movement. A radial fan generously circulates the cooled air in the interior without causing an unpleasant draught. The Citysphere has been in use at Rheinbahn Düsseldorf for a number of years. Experience has shown that the inside temperature is extremely comfortable and the additional costs per kilometre are exceptionally low. For this reason war it was the explicit wish of the customer that all new buses should be equipped with this air conditioning solution. Deliveries began in November 2012 and all 50 buses are due to be in service in Düsseldorf by the end of January 2013.

Simple assembly

The 150 Citysphere units were delivered for assembly at the Solaris works at Poznan. Installation is very simple, as the Citysphere comes already filled with coolant and no coolant lines or air ducts have to be laid in the vehicle. Installation or retrofitting is thus possible within the space of a single day.

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