
Hyperloop demonstration track has been agreed in India

Posted: 23 February 2018 | | No comments yet

The Indian State of Maharashtra have signed an agreement with Virgin Hyperloop One, confirming to build a hyperloop route between Pune and Mumbai…

Virgin Hyperloop One have announced the Indian State of Maharashtra’s intent to build a hyperloop between Pune and Mumbai, beginning with an operational demonstration track.

Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, said: “51 per cent of total investments in India come to Maharashtra and the state is attracting global investors. The state’s overall development in the past few years is a shining example of change thinking and improving conditions in the country. Maharashtra government was ahead of all other Indian states in terms of infrastructure spend and the state is on its way to achieving its bold vision of a trillion-dollar economy.”

The hyperloop route will link central Pune, Navi Mumbai International Airport and Mumbai in 25 minutes, connecting 26 million people. The high-capacity passenger and cargo hyperloop route will eventually support 150 million passenger trips annually, saving more than 90 million hours of travel time; providing citizens with greater opportunities and social and economic mobility. The hyperloop system will also have the potential for the rapid movement of palletised freight and light cargo between the Port of Mumbai and Pune.

Hyperloop demonstration track has been agreed in India

According to an initial pre-feasibility study completed by Virgin Hyperloop One, the Pune – Mumbai route could result in $55 billion of socio-economic benefits through time saving, emissions, accident reduction and operational cost savings over 30 years of operation. The 100 per cent electric, efficient hyperloop system will ease severe expressway congestion and could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 150,000 tonnes annually.

“I believe Virgin Hyperloop One could have the same impact upon India in the 21st century as trains did in the 20th century. The Pune-Mumbai route is an ideal first corridor as part of a national hyperloop network that could dramatically reduce travel times between India’s major cities to as little as two hours,” said Sir Richard Branson. “Virgin Hyperloop One can help India become a global transportation pioneer and forge a new world-changing industry.”

The Pune-Mumbai hyperloop project will begin with a six-month in-depth feasibility study which will analyse and define the route alignment including environmental impact, the economic and commercial aspects of the route, the regulatory framework and cost and funding model recommendations.

Upon successful completion of the study the project will enter a procurement stage to determine the public-private partnership structure. Construction would then commence after procurement and be completed in two phases.

A demonstration track will be constructed in two to three years from the signing of the agreement and serve as a platform for testing, certifying and regulating the system for commercial operations.

Future projects could also extend the route to link central Pune with the New Pune International Airport and Jawaharlal Nehru Port in Mumbai with Pune’s industrial economic zones.  

“The Pune-Mumbai hyperloop project will ultimately be executed by a public-private partnership which will save taxpayer’s money while delivering a transport option that will help the State of Maharashtra support economic growth, improve sustainability and meet the transport demands,” said Kiran Gitte, CEO of the Pune Metropolitan Region Development Authority.

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