
Denver chooses INIT ITS

Posted: 22 March 2011 | INIT | No comments yet

INIT has recently been awarded a major contract by the Regional Transportation District (RTD) of Denver…

TOUCHit Mobile Data Terminal with Touchscreen

TOUCHit Mobile Data Terminal with Touchscreen

INIT has recently been awarded a major contract by the Regional Transportation District (RTD) of Denver, Colorado to supply a fully integrated Computer-Aided Dispatch/Automatic Vehicle Location (CAD/AVL) System with passenger information displays (PIDmobil), on-board announcements (PAmobil) and Mobile Data Terminals (TOUCHmon). In addition, INIT will supply a new P25 based voice radio system and integrated data radio system to the District’s transit system, replacing RTD’s obsolete analog radio.

TOUCHit Mobile Data Terminal with Touchscreen

TOUCHit Mobile Data Terminal with Touchscreen

The contract calls for the setup of an automated vehicle management system and passenger information systems on about 1,000 buses with additional automatic location service for approximately 150 support/security vehicles, and GPS enabled portable radios for approximately 370 support personnel. Along with the new technology on the buses, 170 light rail vehicles and more than 320 paratransit vehicles will be equipped with digital voice radios for increased communications and safety.

The installation of the new system will support RTD‘s daily operations by providing powerful tools to help track and monitor the location of vehicles within their multi-modal network. RTD operators will benefit from the full-colour, graphic-capable mobile data terminals that will serve as a navigational and communications tool increasing schedule adherence and providing added security. The on-board passenger information displays and audio announcements will greatly enhance services to RTD’s customers with clearly audible next-stop announcements.

After a successful automated passenger counting system installation in 2005, INIT and RTD look forward to a continued and successful relationship. The new project will strengthen INIT’s position in the North American market while reinforcing INIT’s mission to provide customers with safer and more efficient public transit services.

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