
Cross-border MaaS project for the Nordics announced

Posted: 24 September 2019 |

Smart mobility services and technology companies are yet to explore the full national and international potential of today’s mobility market in the way the new project is proposing.

International smart mobility application announced

A consortium of mobility companies and organisations has announced the start of a new project across the Nordics that aims to unify the region’s MaaS market.

The recently announced Nordic Mobility Innovation Platform (NMIP) project aims to create open technology and business practices for  Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS)  and smart mobility services on a global scale.

Smartphone apps already allow users to plan travel chains, book trips and purchase tickets. The NMIP project aims to provide seamless mobility, planned by multiple organisations and actors, using several modes of transportation other than the personal motor vehicle across the Nordics and the rest of Europe, with the goal of integrating the international MaaS market.

The NMIP project, funded by Nordic Innovation, , an organisation under the Nordic Council of Ministers, is coordinated by the Finnish smart mobility platform company Kyyti Group. The consortium of companies involved in the project is completed by Nordic ITS-organisations, The Capital Region of Denmark, the Swedish MaaS operator UbiGo, and the research centres RISE from Sweden and TØI from Norway

Pekka Möttö, CEO of Kyyti Group, said: “New sustainable mobility services will only be adopted if they are fast, convenient and affordable. The same qualities are also demanded when travelling abroad. This is what we are ensuring with the world’s first MaaS roaming solution.”

“The NMT and GSM standards are historical evidence that collaboration in the Nordics can have a global impact. The MaaS standards developed today may make the way people move significantly more convenient in the future, in the Nordics and beyond,” explained Trond Hovland, Managing Director of ITS Norway.