
UITP to Juncker Commission: invest in public transport for sustainable & competitive cities

Posted: 4 December 2014 | UITP

UITP (International Association of Public Transport) has called on the European Commission to prioritise investment in public transport in the Commission’s Package for Jobs, Growth and Investment in a position paper released by UITP…

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UITP (International Association of Public Transport) has called on the European Commission to prioritise investment in public transport in the Commission’s Package for Jobs, Growth and Investment in a position paper released by UITP today.

As part of the Commission’s €300bn investment fund for the next three years, European infrastructure (including transport) was highlighted as a priority area. With more than 80% of European GDP generated in urban areas and two thirds of all European citizens living in cities, UITP calls on the Commission to prioritise investment in sustainable urban transport both in this and future investment packages.

The improvement of sustainable urban transport represents an important lever for growth, innovation, employment and the sustainable development of cities. Public transport: connects people to employment and creates jobs both directly and indirectly; acts as a stimulus for wider urban regeneration, encouraging private investment; boosts the economic attractiveness of cities; fights congestion (50% of the cost of which is borne by businesses) and boosts the quality of urban living.         

UITP advocates: aligning European budgetary priorities with strategic policy ambitions; use of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) to support sustainable urban mobility, in particular public transport; increased use of European structural and cohesion funds for urban areas and transport infrastructure as well as a greater focus on urban infrastructure and public transport in European funds for Research and Innovation. 

“Public transport generates benefits well beyond the mobility sphere,” said Nicolas Blain, President of the UITP EU Committee. “By directly contributing to the competitiveness of cities, public transport creates value for individuals, businesses and public authorities. Investment in public transport creates value to the wider economy of three to four times the initial investment and is the ideal motor to get Europe growing again”.      

To see full position paper, click here.