
It’s time to take your offline travel cards online. Pcentra can help!

For years, closed loop infrastructures have stood as a beacon of reliability, delivering proven performance and resilience to underpin public transport payments. Existing equipment is robust and enduring, and in many cases far from reaching the end of its lifespan.

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However, closed loop systems are by their very nature offline, thereby denying passengers access to the most convenient public transport experience; and Public Transport Operators (PTOs) from achieving maximum ridership and operational cost savings.

This is a particular issue for small and medium-sized PTOs that may struggle to absorb the up-front expenses associated with upgrading closed loop infrastructures.

Fortunately, there is now a way to achieve a seamless payment and ticketing experience; and realize the benefits of online functionality alongside a closed loop system. Pcentra’s revolutionary award-winning and proven solution is the answer.

Find out from Pcentra



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