
Winter Operations Supplement 2015

Posted: 2 November 2015 |

John Gorman from First Scotland East and Michael Andersson from Helsingin Bussiliikenne Oy (HelB), discuss that, ultimately, the work never ends when planning and preparing for continuous operations during harsh winter months…

  • Winter is coming…
    Parts of Scotland can see temperatures drop to over -20°C during winter months. John Gorman, First Scotland East’s Business Director, heads up the operator’s approach to winter and explains that thorough advanced planning across the business is essential so that bus services can continue and help passengers travel safely and smoothly when the bad weather hits.
  • Seasons change but the work never ends
    In Helsinki, Finland, the temperature can be +30°C in the summer and down to as low as -30°C in the winter. The variation may not be as extreme every year, but for sure, there will be a winter this year, or at least at the beginning of 2016. Michael Andersson – Technical Director of Helsinki bus operating company Helsingin Bussiliikenne Oy (HelB) – gives an overview of how its vehicles are maintained and their components taken care of throughout the year to ensure optimum service quality.

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