
In-Depth Focus: E-Mobility

The E-Mobility In-Depth Focus in Intelligent Transport Issue 4 2023 features articles from UITP India and Auckland Transport discussing the dynamic transformation of India’s public transportation system as it progresses towards sustainability and decarbonisation, and the ambitious initiatives that are propelling Auckland into a greener and more environmentally friendly future.

IT Issue 4 2023 - IDFs E-Mobility

Included in this E-Mobility In-Depth Focus, which was first published in Issue 4 2023 of Intelligent Transport:

  • India’s transition to sustainable public transport: From CNG to e-mobility
    Rupa Nandy, Head of UITP India, provides valuable insight into the dynamic transformation of India’s public transportation system as it progresses towards sustainability and decarbonisation, shedding light on the multifaceted challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the country’s rapidly evolving mobility sector.
  • Electrifying public transport in Auckland City (Tāmaki Makaurau)
    Edward Wright, Manager of Metro Fleet & Infrastructure at Auckland Transport, shares his insight into New Zealand’s largest city’s journey towards sustainable public transportation and the ambitious initiatives that are propelling Auckland into a greener and more environmentally friendly future.
  • How to make the deployment of e-buses a success: Economical and operational essentials
    Expert View: Adrian Meissner, Key Account Manager at INIT.

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