
In-Depth Focus: Passenger Experience

Intelligent Transport Issue 1 2023’s Passenger Experience In-Depth Focus features articles from Sound Transit and Metro Istanbul discussing why public transportation systems must prioritise the passenger and fully take their feedback into consideration in order to deliver the best possible travel experience, as well as the challenge of ensuring a positive experience in a post-pandemic world.

In-Depth Focus: Passenger Experience

Included in this Passenger Experience In-Depth Focus, which was first published in Issue 1 2023 of Intelligent Transport:

  • Ensuring a seamless transit experience at every step of the journey
    Russell Arnold, Chief Customer Experience Officer at Sound Transit, discusses the importance of improving the passenger experience in a post-pandemic world, and shines a spotlight on the work that Sound Transit is doing to deliver a system that is safe and reliable, but also simple, seamless, intuitive and, ultimately, enjoyable for all customers.
  • Putting the people of Istanbul at the heart of metro services
    For Intelligent Transport, Ozgur Soy, General Manager of Metro Istanbul, explains the pivotal role that customer feedback has played in delivering a more comfortable travel experience for its passengers, and shines a spotlight on all of the projects that the operator has been working on in order to improve the passenger experience.

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